Hi, meet all the Fabulous Fat Friends protected by plant breeders' rights.
Protected succulents by plant breeders' rights.
The inspirers of Fabulous Fat Friends have invested a lot of time and research in creating new varieties.
It takes a lot of time and patience before a new Fat Friend succulent is created and can join the multicoloured and multi-faceted Fabulous Fat Friends Family.
In the past 15 years Jef jr. has devoted himself to exploring and creating new or unknown succulents.
Jef tests and grows them first on a small scale before he takes them into production. This is how the Fabulous Fat Friends team creates new friends you can nurture and cherish forever.
Several of our Fabulous Fat Friends are exclusive and legally protected. We are sorry, but it is forbidden to reproduce these varieties. Our exclusive, legally protected varieties are listed at the bottom of this page.
Do you love these succulents? Are you a professional grower who would like to cultivate our Fabulous Fat Friends? Scroll down for more info!
“Hi there, my secret ingredient is love :-)”

Sempervivum Coral Red
EU 48565
US PP31.919
EU 48565
US PP31.919
OUTDOOR succulent
- Fire-red foliage
- Strong rooting system
- Well branching
- Holds red color in summer
- Hardy to -20 degrees Celcius
- Perfect for patio, balcony or rock garden

Sempervivum Arctic White
EU 57682
EU 57682
OUTDOOR succulent
- Pure-white foliage
- High web-count
- Strong rooting system
- Well branching
- Holds color in summer
- Watersaver, drought tolerant
- Hardy to -30° Celsius hardy Zone 3-9
- Perfect for patio, balcony or rock garden

Sempervivum Emerald Swirl
EU 54870
EU 54870
OUTDOOR succulent
- High amount of chicks
- outdoor pot performance
- strong rooting system
- Flowers Summer/Early
- Full sun exposure
- hardy Zone 3-9
- Disease and drought tolerant

Sempervivum Summer Frost
EU 54869
EU 54869
OUTDOOR succulent
- Good growing white Sempervivum
- Strong rooting system
- Well branching
- Nice white cobweb on leafs
- Hardy to -20 degrees Celsius
- Perfect for patio, balcony or rock garden

Sempervivum Ruby Lime
EU 57683
EU 57683
OUTDOOR succulent
- This plant is like magic, in Spring a stunning fibrant red color that changes to green in summer that changes to red-green in fall-winter
- High amount of chicks
- outdoor pot performance
- strong rooting system
- Flowers Summer/Early
- Full sun exposure
- hardy Zone 3-9
- Disease and drought tolerant

Sempervivum Coconut Crystal
EU 61194
EU 61194
OUTDOOR succulent
- Year round Bi color. Spring Color is lime green with red, during the growing season fading to a very attractive cream / wine red color combination
- Outdoor pot performance, Fast grower, BIG rosette. 2L pot.
- strong rooting system
- Flowers end of spring and Summer
- Full sun exposure
- hardy Zone 3-9
- Disease and drought tolerant

Sempervivum Lemon Flare
EU 61178
EU 61178
OUTDOOR succulent
- This plant is like magic, in Spring a stunning fibrant yellow red combination
changing during growing season to a beautiful lime green. When grown in full sun
(above 95 ℉℉) it would be good to use 25% shade - Flowers end of spring and Summer
- hardy Zone 3-9
- Disease and drought tolerant

Sempervivum Spectrum Shifter
(belsemcob3 'pbr)
EU 67075
EU 67075
OUTDOOR succulent
- Extreme nice coloring in Winter and Spring!
- Changes colour throughout the seasons
- Well branching Hardy to -20 degrees Celcius
- Perfect color for patio, balcony or rock garden
Do you like these fat plants? You want to grow our Fabulous Fat Friends?
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Plantipp BV – Royalty Management EU - USA - ASIA
Contact Plantipp BV:
Plantipp BV – Royalty Management EU - USA - ASIA